

Apr 25

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ZDoggMD aka Dr

Health 1.0: The Not So Golden Age

We stand at a crossroads in healthcare today. coque huawei Behind us lies a nostalgia tinged world of unfettered physician autonomy, sacred doctor patient relationships, and a laser like focus on the art and humanity of medicine. bijoux pas cher This was Health 1.0 the world of my father, an immigrant and primary care physician with a solo practice in rural Central California.

While many still pine for the “good old days” of medicine, we easily forget that those days weren’t really all that good. coque iphone coque iphone Outcomes were coque samsung a coque huawei p8 lite 2016 hybride luxe 5 2017 variable and quality inconsistent, and fragmented delivery meant an utter lack of coque samsung young systems thinking and population health management. Evidence based medicine wasn really a thing yet; it was all about consensus and intuition and prior experience and whatever that one drug rep or med device salesperson was pushing that week when they brought lunch for the office staff.

Volume based fee for service payments incentivized doing things to people, instead of for them. Escalating costs and unnecessary interventions along with straight up coque samsung galaxy note corruption led to cracks in the facade of the of medicine. Rampant medical errors, massive waste, and a lack of focus on outcomes began to provoke serious backlash, especially with the advent of the internet and its democratization of information. The human relationship in 1.0 was elevated to the sacred, but the physician remained the undisputed high priest of the Church of Health Care. The rest of the including patients were subordinate, and usually voiceless.

Health 2.0: Medicine As Machine

In response to the real and perceived failures of the fragmented medical cottage industry, a new paradigm emerged: Health 2.0 the era of Big Medicine. Folks asked, can healthcare behave like other industries where the coque huawei p8 lite noire 3 en 1 rules of coque p8 lite 2017 huawei guardians business and economics carrots and sticks and metrics and mid level managers apply coque samsung silicone in force A focus on value over volume meant looking at populations and systems design, and so Big Data, randomized controlled trials, and coque samsung galaxy s wifi 3.6 quality improvement science became the new religion of the realm.

But somewhere in the mix of good intentions, coque huawei p8 lite 2017 space the human heart of the thing the piece that really matters was lost. Large corporate groups gobbled up solo practices and hospital systems. Managed care, government regulation, evidence based HIPAA, PQRS, HCAHPS, MACRA, MIPS, Press Ganey, Lean, Six coque samsung s7 edge fnac Sigma these ushered in the era of Medicine as Assembly Line. All of us clinicians, coque samsung sm-g360f patients, and administrators became mere cogs in this glorious, insanely mundane cdiscount coque samsung s6 production machine. We now treat a computer screen while our patients are reduced to 0 and 1 in the Medical Matrix. The doctor doesn hold power anymore, but neither does the rest of the healthcare team and certainly not the patient. coque samsung We are ALL commoditiesraw materials in the human factory farm of Health 2.0.

And now the very calling that first drew us into medicine is itself in crisis. 60% of physicians wouldn’t recommend the career to their children, while our nurses are exhausted and our coque samsung galaxy s4mini patients turn to Dr. Google and Gwyneth Paltrow in despair. coque huawei Suicide is epidemic among our healers. goed hoesje A paradigm that transcends both, preserving their strengths while allowing for the emergence of something far greater: repersonalized care that honors both the unique individual and the larger whole.

Health 3.0 is about connections and the primacy of human relationships, but it no longer simply paternalistic (Health 1.0) or strictly commoditized and informational (Health 2.0). coque iphone It a partnership with our coque samsung j5 pas cher patients and each other that coque huawei p8 lite 2017 kasos can only emerge when clinicians are given the time, space, and tools to understand the coque samsung sè unique hopes, dreams, and fears of the human in front of them, while also recognizing that no person exists in a vacuum coque samsung j 5 including the caregivers, who are now part of a seamless team where every member is allowed and expected to practice at the top of their license.

Actual outcomes matter in Health 3.0, not click box measures that don actually measure quality. coque samsung Clinicians are given the tools coque samsung s8 nike and autonomy to achieve the outcomes that matter to their patients; do the right thing, and let technology work in the background to enable and empower the relationship. collier argent This allows the emergence of real value, coque la belle et la bete huawei p8 lite where cost, quality, and patient experience intersect. We paid to create this value, not to do more tests or withhold needed care or click through checklists on a computer screen. iphone 11 case coque huawei Our administrators seek not to greedily grab more of a shrinking pie, but to grow the entire pie for everyone.

In Health 3.0 we are evidence empowered but never evidence enslaved. bijoux pas cher We find a nerdy kind of joy in process improvement science that allows us to better achieve the outcomes that actually matter to our patients. We hold patients accountable coque samsung j 3 to take control of their health, and they hold us accountable to be their shepherds. We recognize that interiors matter as coque samsung galaxy ace 4 sm-g357fz much as exteriors: the mind body connection coque samsung s8 spigen and the conscious experience of human beings is no longer discounted. coque samsung Each member of the healthcare team supports one coque samsung tab 3 lite another while bringing their unique gifts to coque samsung a32017 bear, and clinician leaders guide our organizations with compassion and wisdom.

This is medicine as a living, evolving, beautifully complex organism where every cell is unique and autonomous yet an integral part of the larger whole.

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